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Range extension re-invented
Up to 4 small-sized batteries located in trunk to offer you unlimited range. Take them home with you, to the office, wherever you need. Let them charge and add up to 80km extra range to your MiracleONE.

We envision a network where you can find and swap your range extenders anytime. At the supermarket, at the trains station, at the gas station. Litteraly everywhere. That sounds like true freedom to us.
80km extra range
9kg weight
Charge them everywhere
Each ranges extender packs 20km of range and with four of them extend your range with an extra 80km.
Each range extender weighs about 9kg and is super easy to handle.
As simple as charging your phone. Plug them in any socket and watch your freedom recharge.
Unique architecture
With 2 independent systems our architecture provides a never seen before flexibility. Whether your recharge the whole system with conventional chargers or you decide to plug your range extenders at home, you can make sure you always find a way to charge your MiracleONE.
What if you found them everywhere?
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